Buy Local. Support Local Makers.

Consumer demand for locally-produced food and beverage products continues to grow. Hope & Main, Rhode Island’s premier culinary incubator, partners with Farm Fresh RI to host our state’s only wholesale food show.

At the RI Tabletop Show, we connect grocers, distributors, cafes and restaurants, gourmet and gift shops, and other wholesale buyers with emerging and iconic local food producers in the Ocean State.

This curated show makes buying local easy! We have assembled dozens of new and established companies offering Rhode Island’s most sought after products across multiple categories. These producers are dialed into trends such as plant-based and functional foods; health-conscious snacks; global cuisines; hand-crafted and artisan sauces, confections and baked goods; beverages; and elevating the experience of at-home cooks.

Join us in meeting these makers and taking steps to support a more vibrant, diverse, and sustainable local food economy.

Admission and parking are free with ample sampling and complimentary lunch catered by Hope & Main’s Downtown Makers Marketplace.

This event is not open to the public, you must register online as a commercial food buyer.

Register for the event (as a buyer)