We are Rhode Island’s premier culinary incubator, ranking in the top 10% in the country. Since firing up the kitchens for the first time in October 2014, our team has helped launch over 400 food and beverage-related businesses, with numerous graduates now operating out of their own spaces.

Our staff, Board, consultants and contributors are a comprehensive resource to our members, offering a wealth of industry, entrepreneurial and technical expertise, allowing us to meet individual needs for each business work with.

The People Helping to Make Food Your Business

Luca Carnevale

Executive Director

Mike Mowry

Director for Member Success

Alison Mountford

Director of Marketing & Communications

Martha Perez-Barton

Director of Incubation

Waterman Brown

Business Development & Chief Taster

Herman “Dutch” deKoe

Research & Special Projects

Meri Spicer

Entrepreneurship Program Manager

Gerry Furtado

Director of Culinary Operations

Shelby Doggett

Director of Food Systems Equity

Sydney Montstream-Quas

Advancement Officer

Paul Estrella

Facilities Director

Jebeth Rubio

Member Success Manager

Christopher Franciscus

Contract Manufacturing Supervisor

Cole Wolkner

Finance Manager

Taylor Rash

Food Systems Equity Coordinator

Melanie Espaillat

MBE/ WBE Certification & Business Support Specialist

Downtown Makers Marketplace

Benny Barber

Executive Incubation Chef

Jealani Laughlin

Merchandizing Manager & Catering Coordinator

Lisa Raiola, MPH | CHAIR

President & Founder, Hope & Main

Lisa has more than has more than 30 years of experience in program development and advancement at non-profit organizations in healthcare and higher education with a special focus on distributive justice, social responsibility and economic development. Recently retired as the VP for Advancement at Roger Williams University. Previously, Lisa was a Clinical Assistant Professor for Community Health and Medical Ethics at the Brown University School of Medicine where she developed and instructed courses in public health research; health promotion and disease prevention; food security and food justice; healthcare financing and system reform; and health disparity and the burden of disease.

Board of Directors

Lisa J. Raiola, MPH | CHAIR
Founder and President, Hope & Main

Lisa Bergeron | CO-CHAIR
Founder and Co-Creator, Advancing Workplace Excellence

Inna Walker | TREASURER
Relationship Manager, Berkshire Bank

Lanre Ajakaiye | SECRETARY
Chief Executive Officer, 25 Bough & IXL Consulting Group

Kyle Adamonis, SHRM-CP PHR
Vice President Human Resources, Pariseault Builders Inc. 

Kenneth Banalewicz
Specialty Food/Produce Buyer, Dave’s Marketplace

William Bigelow
Chief Operating Officer, Blount Fine Foods

Tino Chow
President & Founder, Giant Shoulders

Michael Goldberg, Esq., M.
Goldberg Law LLC

Rosamond Lu
Sales and Leasing Agent, Luxury Residential Group

Maureen Maloney
Founder, Sacred Cow Granola

Hope & Main Providence Board of Directors

Lisa J. Raiola, MPH | CHAIR
Founder and President, Hope & Main

Luca Carnevale | SECRETARY
Executive Director, Hope & Main

Scott Bromberg
Executive Director, RI Food Dealers Association

Chef Sanjiv Dhar
President, India House Inc

Neil Veloso
Executive Director, Brown Technology Innovations

Juan Wilson, Jr.
CEO & Founder, The MUSE Foundation

Doris De Los Santos
Supplier Diversity Director, Blue Cross & Blue Shield of RII