Beth Bakes
The origins of Beth Bakes began nearly two decades ago when Elizabeth Fradin began baking gluten-free for her daughter who, at the age of six, was diagnosed with Celiac Disease. […]
The courage and dedication in choosing to pursue one’s passion is ambitious and intimidating. It takes incredibly hard work to bring ideas to life and we are delighted to have a front row seat for every milestone along the way. Every entrepreneur has a vision for themselves and their business, and we consider ourselves lucky for being able to assist with bringing those visions to reality.
We are so proud! Our members’ accomplishments are a direct reflection of their persistence, willingness to take risks and thoughtful planning.
The reputations they’ve established for their brands and businesses are a testament to their tenacity.
These are New Englanders who are contributing to the success of our local food economy. They are your friends, family, and neighbors working to make a better future for all of us… and making sure we’re all very well fed.